Parents can learn to protect their kids against cyber bullying and other social network risks with strategies offered in three presentations next week in Malheur County.
The Malheur County Juvenile Department and Malheur Education Service District are hosting the “Keeping Our Kids Cyber Safe” programs.
The schedule of presentations is:
• Monday, Sept. 11, 7 to 9 p.m. at Vale High School.
• Tuesday, Sept. 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Nyssa High School.
• Wednesday, Sept. 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Four Rivers Cultural Center.
The sessions are hosted by nationally recognized police detective Richard Wistocki, head of the high technology crimes division of the Naperville, Illinois Police Department.
According to the event flier, he will talk about “proactive strategies” to protect children from cyber bullying, vaping and sexting, sending sexually explicit photographs or messages via cell phone.
Additionally, the presentation will cover social media laws about harassment, cyber stalking and false personification. Wistocki will discuss how to report criminal cyber bullying and how internet investigations are conducted through subpoenas and search warrants.
Other topics that will be covered at the presentations include protecting one’s “digital footprint,” the information on the internet about them due to their online activity and what it means for their reputation and future. Other topics include when a parent should get a cell phone for a child, how to monitor their child’s devices, and what apps and games are dangerous.
The programs also will feature an open forum for questions.
The sessions are free and open to the public.
For more information, Ted Martinez, director of the Malheur County Juvenile Department, at 541-473-5106 or [email protected].
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