NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN Undersigned is appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Harvey R Haddock Jr., deceased, by Malheur County Court, Oregon, #6377. Persons having claims against Estate must present with proper vouchers within 4 months after publication date of this notice to undersigned or claims may be barred. Persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the Court, Undersigned, or Undersigned’s attorney.
Dated and first published April 10, 2024.
Patricia Haight
c/o Kevin O’Connell
8555 SW Apple Way, Suite 300
Portland, Oregon 97225
Phone: (503) 227-2900
Publish Date: April 10, 2024
Legal Notice
Advertisement for Bid
Sealed bid proposals will be received by HC Company, Inc., at the ORD Office located at 745 SW 3RD AVE. Ontario, OR. 97914 until 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, April 18th for the Ontario Aquatic Center Renovation located at 790 SW 3rd Ave, Ontario, OR 97914.
A pre-bid conference will be held at the project site, 790 SW 3rd Ave, Ontario, OR 97914. Contact HC Company, Inc. @ 208-321-4990 or [email protected] for the time and date. The time and date will also be emailed to interested parties that have provided an email address to HC Company, Inc. Attendance is strongly recommended.
Bids will be opened publicly at 745 SW 3RD AVE. Ontario, OR. 97914 and read aloud, shortly following the closing time for receipt of bids. Bidders and other properly interested parties are invited to be present at the bid opening. Drawings and specifications, including bidding documents and conditions of agreement, may be examined at the following offices:
· HC Company, Inc., 12650 W. Bridger Street Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83713
Bidders may obtain one (1) complete set of plans and specifications from HC Company, Inc. at the address above for a refundable deposit of $250.00 per set. A formal request for project documents must be made 48 hours in advance. Bid documents will also be available online, please inquire at HC Company’s office for online information.
Dan Cacioppo, Senior Estimator for HC Company, Inc. will be receiving the sealed bids.
No Bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled time for receipt of bids unless the award of contract is delayed for a period exceeding Sixty (60) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, or to waive any informalities, or to accept the bid or bids deemed best for Ontario Aquatic Center.
Each Bid must be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check or bid bond, with a State Licensed Surety Company, as surety, in an amount not less than 5% of total bid, made payable to HC Company, Inc. This surety shall be forfeited by the Bidder in the event of failure to sign the contract or furnish the necessary 100% Performance Bond and the necessary 100% Payment Bond.
Bidders shall be licensed in the State of Oregon per current Oregon Law Licensing Requirements.
This project is a prevailing wage rate project. Bidders shall comply with and include prevailing wage rate as required by Oregon Law Requirements. (See BOLI Requirements –
(208) 321-4990
Publication Dates: April 3, and April 10, 2024.

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