Matt Mauney, eighth-grade pre-algebra teacher at Ontario Middle School, engages a group of students during one of his classes. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess) Each fall, state officials put out stacks of scores and percentages to show how students performed on tests. Honestly, the numbers can be numbing but they tell important[Read More…]
Tag: Editorial
EDITORIAL: Malheur County judge must take stand for honesty
Citizens deserve honesty in their government day in and day out. Sadly, trust in public officials and agencies has faded. Those who control government bear much of the blame, and that’s true here in Malheur County. In our democracy, citizens install other citizens into public office, trusting they will serve[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: Malheur County commissioners have duty to audit county operation
NOTE: Do you want to comment or respond? Send an email to [email protected] or see this post on the Malheur Enterprise Facebook page. Malheur County’s three commissioners see nothing amiss with their economic development agency. That’s why it’s going to be up to Malheur County citizens to demand they act[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: County needs audit to address economic development issues
Bluebird Express Car Wash in Ontario. (The Enterprise/file) Malheur County’s economic development department needs to be fixed. The county agency is operating in damaging ways that threaten future job recruitment. Citizens ought to demand an outside investigation. The Malheur County Economic Development Department is supposed to promote the county as[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: Vikings can take pride in their new middle school
Vale School Board member Dave Wenger, Vale Middle School Principal Jeri Schaffeld, district superintendent Alisha McBride and Chamber of Commerce president Jessica Kulm cut the ribbon in front of the new middle school Aug. 12. (The Enterprise/Isabella Garcia) Vale had a moment of tremendous pride last week with the formal[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: In Ontario, conduct in school flap will set example for kids
An important audience is likely watching the turmoil at the Ontario School District: students. This is a chance for adults to serve up one of the most important lessons of the year. Let’s be sure students get the right lesson. Temperatures are running hot across Ontario. Administrators at the Ontario School[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: Perseverance pays off in pursuit of Malheur County rail project
There are many local heroes who can take a bow for the success in winning state approval of the Treasure Valley Reload Center. No question that determination, flexibility and persistence paid off big time for Malheur County. Let’s acknowledge the lead role of Greg Smith, Malheur County’s economic development director,[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: Celebrate our nation, rural lifestyle this Independence Day
The spirit of Independence Day takes on a special meaning this year for the people of Malheur County. The revolt of state Sen. Cliff Bentz in standing for the people he represents was an act of defiance widely applauded in the community. As Vale embarks on days of observing the holiday[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: Malheur County officials need to act quick to save rail project
Greg Smith, Malheur County’s economic development director (Mark Ylen/Mid-Valley Media) The message from the Oregon Transportation Commission last week was unmistakable. Malheur County, despite years of effort and more than a half million in taxpayer dollars, can’t yet make the case that a rail shipping center in Nyssa wouldn’t become[Read More…]
EDITORIAL: Time for outside audit of Malheur County’s economic development shop
Too many questions are building over operations of Malheur County’s economic development operation. A lot of money and the county’s economic future is at stake. The Malheur County Court needs to order a thorough outside audit. Since 2013, the county has turned over its economic development efforts to Greg Smith[Read More…]