PANCAKES: The annual free Shrove Pancake Supper will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, at the Vale Methodist Church. The menu will include pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice and other beverages.
Two gift baskets will be raffled. One, prepared by the Wine and the Word Group, will include a charcuterie cheese board crafted of black walnut by Alva Mitchell. The other is a family game night basket. It is not necessary to be present to win the raffle.
HISTORY: Former Circuit Court Judge J. Burdette Pratt will speak at the Thursday, Feb. 8, meeting of the Malheur Country Historical Society. Pratt, of Nyssa, will discuss his family’s history in America and the development of Malheur County.
The meeting will be at the Vale Senior Center, starting at 11:30 a.m. with lunch available for $15 per person.
ELK: The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will hold its annual banquet at 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, at Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. For information, call 208-739-7795.
Thursday, Feb. 8
• Vale Oregon Irrigation District board meeting, 1 p.m., 521 A St. W, Vale.
Sunday, Feb. 11
• Malheur Democrats, open meeting, 2-4 p.m., Vale Library meeting room.On the agenda: process to fill precinct committee positions, and the proposal in Congress to protect the Owyhee lands.
• Community bingo, 2 p.m., American Legion & Auxiliary Post 96, 436 Main St. N., Vale.
Monday, Feb. 12
• Valley View Cemetery District board meeting, 3:30 p.m., Cemetery office.
Tuesday, Feb. 13
• Vale City Council meeting, 7 p.m., City Hall.
• Nyssa City Council meeting, 7 p.m., City Hall.
• Warmsprings Irrigation District board meeting, 7 p.m., 334 Main St. N., Vale.
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