ADRIAN – Food, fun and community were the themes at Adrian’s 14th annual Two Rivers Park Celebration on Saturday, Sept. 17. The event, hosted by Adrian 2040, the local civic group working on bolstering the community’s future, features a car show and a yearly chili cook-off – a popular attraction. The winner this year was the Hillbilly Chili by Dirk Miller. He got $200 for taking the top spot. Second went to Theone Swartz, who received $100, and third went to Travis and Amber Smith, who won $50.
LaRae Findling won the People’s Choice, while Becky Burgess, Adele Dockter and Ashley Fehlman won for Best Decorated Booth. For the car show, Stan Stinson won the Dennis and Colleen Daugherty Award for Best of Show with his 1961 Chevy. He also won Best Hot Rod and Best Paint. Other car show awards: Best of Show – Carl Lee Hill Award for second place – Gregg Wilson, 1965 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu SS. Teri Hill-Vasquez Award for participants choice – Stuart Robertson, 1969 Ford Ranchero Best Hot Rod – Raleigh Hawe, 1930 Roadster Shiniest Paint – Louis Prett, 1965 Buick Best Roadster – Dick Curtis, 1932 Ford Best of the 1920s – Jim McBath, 1925 Dodge 1930s – Hank Bennett, 1932 Ford PK 1940s – Larry Stuart, 1941 Ford 1950s – Rodger Bender, 1956 Ford Ultimate Roadtripper – Doug Anderson, 1967 Coronet Coolest Paint Job – Jack Jones, 1963 Fairlane X Oldest Car in Show – Craig Warick, 1926 Motel T Best Original Paint Design – John Russon, 1977 Mustang Diamond in the Rough – Scottyn Eavenson, 1972 Dodge Tractor show awards: Lloyd Combe Best Overall Tractor Award – Gayle Eaton, 1953 John Deere Model 50 Participants Choice Award – Lee Hurd, 1927 Fordson Model F
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