Notice to Interested Persons
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur. In the Matter of the Estate of Theda E. Craig, Case No. 6349. Notice is hereby given that Randy L. Craig has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative at the office of his attorneys, Butler, Looney & Martinsen, P.C., 292 Main St. South, P.O. Box 430, Vale, Oregon 97918, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. DATED and first published September 13, 2023.
Publish Dates: September 13, September 20, September 27, 2023.
Please take notice that pursuant to ORS 545.002 to 545.163, inclusive, an election for two Directors will be held within the Vale Oregon Irrigation District on November 9, 2023, to elect a Director from Division 1 to serve the remainder 2 years of a three-year term and Division 4 to serve a three-year term, beginning with the first regular meeting in January 2024, and until the Director’s successor is elected and qualified.
A person to qualify as a director must be a resident of Oregon and an owner or a shareholder of a corporate owner, of land situated within the division of the Vale Oregon Irrigation District from which the person seeks to be elected and subject to annual assessment charges. In the event that a person owns land in more than one division he/she can only run for the position of Director in the division in which they hold residence. Nominations for a Director may be made by a petition, signed by at least ten qualified electors of the division for which the Director is being nominated and filed with the Secretary of the District by 4:00 pm M.T. on October 12, 2023. Petitions are available at the district office located at 521 A Street West, Vale, OR.
In the event only one candidate is nominated, an election will not be held, and the person nominated, if qualified, will be declared elected as the Director. In the event more than one candidate is nominated, notice shall be given, and election ballots mailed to each qualified elector.
Date: September 8, 2023
Jessi Hansen, Secretary for Vale Oregon Irrigation District
Publish Date: September 13, 2023
The purpose of this notice is to make certain you are aware of the Asbestos Management Plans and Safety Data Sheets and where these important documents can be located in case of emergency.
Please note that one (1) copy of both the Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) will be maintained in the superintendent’s Office.
Asbestos Management Plan – Description
This document outlines where asbestos containing materials are located in each building, contains district policies pertaining to asbestos management, contains copies of required notifications to persons who may contact any asbestos containing materials, and explains handling of asbestos containing materials and details procedures to follow in case asbestos containing materials are disturbed.
Safety Data Sheets – Description
The document contains federally mandated information about hazardous substances which school personnel, including students, may use and/or come in contact with in a district facility. Each hazardous substance has a sheet which gives the name of the substance, its manufacturer, identification information, physical and chemical characteristics, fire and explosion hazard data, reactivity hazard data, health hazard data, control and protective measures and procedures for safe handling and use, plus procedures to follow in the event of leakage.
NOTE: Interested persons may examine either or both documents at any time by requesting to see them from any district official.
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986 requires school districts to notify community patrons and school building occupants where asbestos containing materials are located.
Vale High School – Asbestos containing materials are found in the following places: the pipe wrappings in the boys’and girls’ locker rooms, in the fan room located on the mezzanine, the present wood and ag shop area, an asbestos shield located within the “fume hood” in the chemistry room, and floor tiles located throughout the original building. Asbestos found in the tiles is not hazardous unless material has been damaged. The asbestos shield is not dangerous unless chipped or broken.
Oregon Trail Learning Center – Asbestos containing material has been identified as the skim coat plaster on the walls of the main entrance stairway up to the main floor. This material is well painted and is not hazardous in its present condition.
The Vale Bus garage is certified asbestos free.
The Vale Middle School has no known asbestos
Vale Elementary School – Asbestos containing materials in floor tiles used as floor surfacing material. Linoleum containing asbestos is used in the old cafeteria and kitchen areas. Asbestos found in the floor surfacing materials is not hazardous unless the material has been damaged or sanded in such a way that asbestos fibers are released into free air. Thermal system insulation (TSI) is found in the crawl spaces under Willowcreek and Vale Elementary buildings, and in the boiler rooms of each of these buildings. Damaged thermal system insulation is found in the
crawl spaces under the Vale Elementary school building. This damaged insulation is not accessible to building occupants; however, as a control measure the district has totally isolated this area from accessibility except in emergency situations. Areas of all buildings where asbestos containing materials are found will be monitored by the designated program manager on a bi-yearly basis in October and April.
In the event of an asbestos contamination emergency created by disturbing materials containing this substance, building occupants and school patrons will be informed of emergency procedures. Building occupants, parents, guardians, and patrons will be notified of any scheduled asbestos containing materials inspections or activities which may disturb the asbestos containing materials.
EPA approved Asbestos Management Plans can be made available for inspection by contacting the Office of the Superintendent, 403 E Street West, Vale, Oregon, or from the asbestos designated person for the district.
Copies of the plan, or portions thereof may be purchased at five cents per page
Publish Date: September 13, 2023
TS No. OR07000100-23-1 APN 947 TO No 230147971-OR-MSO TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain Trust Deed made by, C ALEXANDER MILLER AND LISSA MILLER, AS TENANTS BY THE EN-TIRETY as Grantor to AMERITITLE, LLC as Trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (“MERS”), as designated nominee for PACIFIC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, Beneficiary of the security instrument, its successors and assigns, dated as of November 12, 2021 and record-ed on November 17, 2021 as Instrument No. 2021-5623 and the beneficial interest was assigned to M&T Bank and recorded July 14, 2023 as Instrument Number 2023-2078 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Malheur County, Oregon to-wit: APN: 947 LAND IN ARATA ADDITION, CITY OF ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, AS FOLLOW: IN BLOCK 8: LOT 7. Commonly known as: 172 N VERDE DR, ONTARIO, OR 97914 Both the Beneficiary, M&T Bank, and the Trustee, Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112, have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Trust Deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. The default for which the foreclosure is made is the Grantor’s failure to pay: Failed to pay payments which became due Monthly Payment(s): Monthly Payment(s) from 11/01/2022 to 08/31/2023 at $21,065.91 Late Charge(s): 8/24/23 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to-wit: The sum of $331,383.03 together with interest thereon at the rate of 3.62500% per annum from October 1, 2022 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all Trustee’s fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursu-ant to the terms of said Trust Deed. Wherefore, notice is hereby given that, the undersigned Trustee will on January 8, 2024 at the hour of 01:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by Section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, Main Entrance, Malheur County Courthouse, 251 B Street West, Vale, OR 97918 County of Mal-heur, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the Grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and ex-penses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Notice is further giv-en that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such por-tion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, Trustee’s or attorney’s fees and curing any other default com-plained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Without limiting the Trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warran-ties, Oregon law requires the Trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a Trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing metham-phetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the Trustee’s sale. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular in-cludes plural, the word “Grantor” includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is se-cured by said Trust Deed, the words “Trustee” and “Beneficiary” includes their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: 307.20 By: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 Successor Trustee Malcolm & Cisneros, A Law Corporation Atten-tion: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 c/o TRUSTEE CORPS 17100 Gillette Ave, Irvine, CA 92614 949-252-8300 Order Number 95185, Pub Dates: 9/6/2023, 9/13/2023, 9/20/2023, 9/27/2023, MALHEUR ENTERPRISE
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