A bit of disappointing news to share with Nyssa residents: Nyssa’s Community Christmas Dinner has been cancelled.
There just wasn’t enough time to gather volunteers and donations necessary to put on a quality event. Events such as this dinner don’t happen quickly or without a lot of individuals giving of their time and talents.
When it is time to start planning the next dinner, I hope many residents will step up to help Lori Rae so we can celebrate our wonderful community together. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
• The Nyssa Chamber has announced winners of the parade and lighting contests. The business lighting winner is Waldo Conference Center/Simply Balanced. The home decorating winner is the Madrid home located on the corner of Thunderegg Boulevard and Locust Avenue.
Parade winners include: 3rd place – City of Nyssa; 2nd place, Owyhee Produce; 1st place, Dominik Madrid and family.
Take some time to drive around town and view all the beautiful lights. Light displays include the tree at Thunderegg Memorial Park, businesses along Main Street and the underpass plus beautifully decorated homes all around town. Thank you to everyone who helped Nyssa light up the holidays!
• From 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 21, the Nyssa Public Library will hold a craft day for students. Attendees can make a card, Christmas ornament or adorable mini gnome.
• Starting Jan. 2, the Nyssa Senior Center will hold Western swing dance classes. This is open to age 16 and up and costs $5 per class. Classes will be from 7-8:15 p.m. from Jan. 2 to Feb. 6. To register, call 208-714-6889. Sponsorships are being sought to help pay the instructors.
To have your Nyssa news in this column, contact Susan Barton at 541-372-5455 or [email protected].