Looking for an affordable hot lunch, a place to play cards and some good company?
The Vale Senior and Community Center, 100 Longfellow St. S, is now open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays except when a special event rents the hall.
Organizers cite a full slate of activities, including cards, cornhole, chess and checkers, and puzzles to put together on site or to take home.
Senior volunteer Frances Rempel said the center welcomes all ages to lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the menu is posted on the Malheur Enterprise classified page and at the door of the center. The meal is $3.50 for ages 50 and up, and $5 for under 50.
Other draws for local residents:
• Exercise sessions – 10 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The cost is $1.
• Pinochle games plus a potluck, each Friday starting at 6 p.m., with a price of $2.
• An ongoing table-yard sale, with items priced to sell.
Organizers say they keep the costs affordable for all events to encourage the public to come in and use the facility.
In the works this fall is a series of educational speakers on retirement, medical advisors, nursing home, taxes and supplemental insurance.
There is no age limit to any of these functions.

The center also rents the hall for meetings, receptions and parties.
Special events coming up include the Oct. 13 Malheur Country Historical Society monthly meeting and lunch, catered by the Senior Center ladies. The speaker will be Gary Faw who will talk about the History of the Masonic Lodge in the region. That lunch costs $10 and starts serving at 11:30. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Later events on the Vale center’s calendar include the historical society’s annual banquet meeting and a gathering of the League of Oregon Cities in November, and the Vale Farmers and Crafters’ annual Christmas bazaar in December.
Rempel encouraged residents to visit the center and enjoy its offerings.
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