
Publications from local governments, private parties

Notice to Interested Persons

In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur. In the Matter of the Estate of Donita L. Olsen, Case No. 6241. Notice is hereby given that Michael D. Olsen has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative at the office of his attorneys, Butler & Looney, P.C., 292 Main St. South, P.O. Box 430, Vale, Oregon 97918, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. DATED and first published February 23rd, 2022.

Publish Dates: February 23, 2022 & March 2 & 9, 2022.


Notice to Interested Persons

In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur. In the Matter of the Estate of Marlin Dean Barklow, Case No. 6249. Notice is hereby given that Deborah A. Walters has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative at the office of her attorneys, Butler & Looney, P.C., 292 Main St. South, P.O. Box 430, Vale, Oregon 97918, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. DATED and first published March 2nd, 2022.

Publish Dates: March 2nd, 9th, & 16th, 2022.




In the Matter of the Estate of: KEVIN RAY DEGLER, Deceased. CASE NO. 6247 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Patricia Marie Degler has been appointed Personal Representative. All Persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached to the Personal Representative at P.O Box 220, Vale, Oregon 97918, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice, or the claims may be barred.

All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the lawyer for the Personal Representative, Christine D. Mosier-Crysler, P.O. Box 220, Vale, Oregon 97918.

DATED and first published on March 2nd, 2022.

Publish Dates: March 2, 9, & 16, 2022


Press Release: Malheur Cultural Trust Grants Offered

Back in 2004 the Oregon Cultural Trust was formed by some forward thinking Oregonians. What is a Cultural Trust Grant? 45 Oregon Counties and 7 Tribes received funds collected by the Oregon Cultural Trust. The amount given to each county is determined by its’ population. For the past 18 years the Malheur Cultural Coalition has been granting funds to local non-profits organizations that in turn offer quality life projects to Malheur County residents.

Who has benefited: an Art Association; Pottery Workshop; School Drama Productions; Remodeling Museums; Dance studios; Web Sites; a Projector to present Art Education; Publication of the History of Malheur County; Reader Board to inform public of events; many Art Exhibits; Cemetery Monument Repair; Community Theater Programs offering Ballet, Musical Concerts, Children Theater; Restored a Community Hall for Youths; Library Shelves; Historical Assessing Software for Museums; Folkloric Performances and Demonstrations; Musical Instruments for Youths; Transportation for youths to travel to Museums; The Global Village Festival; Handmade Quilts Exhibit; Repair of Historic Theaters Façade after snowmageden; Splash Pad; Museum Exhibits; Festivals; Marketing for Youth Voices; Theater Sound System for a High School theater; Wonder Boxes for Youth during Covig. The Ontario community has received $71,459, Vale has received $25,587, Jordan Valley has received $12,370 and Brogan has received $6,700, a total of $116,115.00 granted in funds. Remember, donate to a qualified local non-profit and the same amount to the Oregon Cultural Trust up to a $1,000 can be deducted from your State Income Tax.

We are again offering Grants to Malheur County. We have a total of $18,000 this year to award to the non-profits in our county. What is the criteria to apply? Check out our web site at Malheurcurturaltrust.org The opening date to apply is March 7, 2022 and closes on April 9, 2022. Please read the instructions carefully. Questions? Contact Robin Jackson at 208-739-0358 or Charlotte Fugate at 541-889-1996. A big thanks to all the Oregonians that donated and made Culture a priority for fellow Oregonians.

Publish Date: March 2, 2022




Idaho Power Company Project No. 1971-134


(February 23, 2022)

On October 8, 2021, Idaho Power Company filed an application to amend the license for the Hells Canyon Hydroelectric Project No. 1971 (FERC No. 1971). The Hells Canyon Project is located on the Snake River in Adams and Washington counties, Idaho and in Wallowa, Malheur, and Baker counties, Oregon. The project occupies federal lands administered by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (Payette and Wallowa Whitman National Forests and Hells Canyon National Recreational Area).

In accordance with the Commission’s regulations, on November 4, 2021, Commission staff issued a notice that the application was accepted for filing and soliticed comments, motions to intervene and protests. Based on the information in the record, including comments filed on the notice, staff does not anticipate that amending the project would constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. Therefore, staff intends to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) on the application to amend the Hells Canyon Project.

The EA will be issued and circulated for review by all interested parties.

Any questions regarding this notice may be directed to Jennifer Polardino at (202) 502-6437 or [email protected].

Kimberly D. Bose,


Publish Date: March 2, 2022