Harper Carroll learns how to play the ukulele for the first time in Susie Lott’s kindergarten music class at Aiken Elementary School on Friday, Jan. 24. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
ONTARIO – Kindergarten students in music teacher Susie Lott’s class at Aiken Elementary School started learning how to play the ukulele last Friday, Jan. 24.
Despite it being their first experience with the instrument, Lott’s music students quickly learned to strum out a couple of tunes, including the classic “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” and “Are You Sleeping?”
Lott is also the music teacher at Cairo and Pioneer Elementary School.
Lott said the ukuleles at Aiken were funded by donations through donorschoose.org, a nonprofit that allows people to donate to public school classroom projects.
The Cairo parent-teacher organization then bought the instruments from Dorsey Music in Ontario.
“I like buying local,” Lott said.
Lott said she requested the ukuleles for her students because of the ease of play and the gentleness of the sound.
She also was motivated to try ukuleles when she saw another music teacher’s Facebook page showing how the instruments were being used successfully to teach students from many age groups.
Lott said the skills learned on the ukulele can later be transferred to other stringed instruments, and especially the guitar.
Michael Adamson listens as Mrs. Lott explains how to play the ukulele. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
Aslam Ibrahim strums the ukulele in Mrs. Lott’s music class. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
Lott shows Noah Reeser how to play the ukulele at Aiken Elementary School. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
Mercer Thornfeldt learns how to play the ukulele. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
Esperanza Martinez strums the ukulele in Lott’s music class at Aiken Elementary School. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
Maddison Admire sings a tune as she strums a ukulele. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
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