VALE – Victor Noble is looking for a few good sponsors.
Or just one.
That’s because the future of Boy Scouts in Vale is in jeopardy after one of its biggest sponsors – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – decided to cease support.
Noble, a Vale resident, said the church has decided to adopt a “global approach to their youth programs that will be consistent throughout the world and will not be sponsoring BSA scouting units after Dec. 31, 2019.”
“We are looking for a local religious, business, government or civic organization that might be interested in sponsoring a scouting unit and becoming a chartering organization,” Noble said.
Noble said there are around 25 youth involved in Boy Scouts in Vale and probably another 10 that are Cub Scouts.
Noble – a longtime local Scout master – said in the past such organizations as Grace Lutheran Church, the Kiwanis Club and the American Legion sponsored Boy Scout troops.
“At one time, there were three troops in Vale,” said Noble.
Noble said that Grace Lutheran Church sponsors a Girl Scout group now.
“We are looking for adults that would be interested in serving as leaders for a Cub Scout pack or a Boy Scout troop,” said Noble.
Noble said he believes in the Boy Scouts.
“I think it provides great leadership skills. It provides an alternative to kids who may not be into sports and it teaches kids values,” said Noble.
Noble said interested individuals, businesses or organizations can reach out to him at 541-212-0644 or Tiffany Johnson at 541-709-6046.
News tip? Reporter Pat Caldwell: [email protected] or 541-473-3377.
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