Treasure Valley Community College. (The Enterprise/File)
ONTARIO – The Oregon State Board of Nursing last week puts its muscle behind Treasure Valley Community College’s nursing program, approving an interim director and pledging to help the program strengthen.
The board’s action quelled uncertainties about the teaching program’s fate after a departing director claimed state officials were poised to shut it down. State officials subsequently said that wasn’t true.
Barbara Holtry, the board’s communications manager, said Monday that the fate of the program was never in question and confirmed that the program will continue.
Now, the program is in the hands of Brianne Haun, who will serve as interim executive director of the program. The state nursing board approved the new role last week.
Haun has 14 years of experience as a nurse and holds a master’s degree in nursing education. Haun is a full time teacher in TVCC’s nursing program.
She takes over a program with 34 students that has been in turmoil for months because of staff resignations.
The latest came last month when Paulla Mizer quit as director after just three months on the job. She said in her resignation letter that state officials advised her it would end the program. She said college administrators had not supported her.
State and college officials denied her claims.
“TVCC’s nursing program will continue. It’s too important to TVCC, our students, our community and to our healthcare partners,” said Dana Young, TVCC president, in a statement. “We are committed to this program and will keep focused on continuing to provide a high-quality program for students.”
In the meantime, TVCC will search for a new permanent director for the nursing program.
“I am reminded of the incredible dedication and tenacity shown by our current and previous nursing faculty. Their legacy is a strong, resilient and competent nursing program with expert curriculum and community service at its core,” Young said.
News tip? Contact reporter Joe Siess: [email protected] or 541-473-3377.
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