Claire Collins was inspired by trips to the mountains in the family pickup to cut down Christmas trees.
JORDAN VALLEY — Sixth grader Claire Collins at Jordan Valley Elementary School just became a published artist.
Her artwork was selected for Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation’s Calendar Contest.
The drawing of a red pickup truck hauling a Christmas tree was selected from 2,100 entries and will be featured on the December page of the 2019-2020 calendar.
“The red pickup is actually a pickup of ours that we call Red Ant. It was the inspiration for my drawing,” Claire said. “I drew a Christmas tree in the back of the pickup because I remember when I was little going to cut a tree in the mountains and I would always get so excited.”
The calendar contest is used as a tool to teach students about the different types of agriculture in Oregon.
Claire and the other 12 winners each received a $50 award and their art was featured at the Oregon State Fair in Salem.
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