The Western Treasure Valley Economic Breakfast will discuss the worker and housing shortage Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Four Rivers Cultural Center from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Kristen Nieskens, executive director of the Snake River Economic Development Alliance, said the event’s themes would focus on the housing and worker shortage and the trends other rural areas face. The gathered participants will brainstorm ways to help support local businesses.
Nieskins said local officials and business leaders are looking for ways to use housing as a perk for the workforce and are trying to come up with ideas for attracting workers to the area.
Nieskins said there would be three yet-to-be-named speakers to address the issues. The first will be from D.L. Evans Bank, discussing the local economic situation with other speakers expected from the Oregon Employment Department and Leap Housing, a Boise nonprofit focusing on affordable housing.
Nieskins said that young people and the workforce need help to find housing in Malheur County.
“Hopefully,” Nieskins said, “we have a lot of great minds in the crowd, so we can work on some of these issues and get their minds working.”
Tickets for the event must be bought ahead of time are $12 and are available online at eventbrite. A full breakfast will be served.
For more information, Nieskins can be reached at 208-899-7864 or [email protected].
Also on the calendar in Malheur County:
HISTORY: Rex Maag will be the speaker at the next monthly meeting of the Malheur Country Historical Society, set for Thursday, Feb. 9, at the Vale Senior Center. Lunch starts at 11:30 a.m. and costs $12. The meeting is open to all.
DEMOCRATS: The Democrats of Malheur County will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, in room 104 of the Weese Building at Treasure Valley Community College in Ontario. The group will take nominations for new officers, appoint precinct committee persons, and discuss ongoing projects including organizing a bipartisan discussion group to promote unity for all Americans.
At its Jan. 12 meeting the group approved a values platform pledging to seek truth, foster justice, cherish the earth, deliver abundant clean energy, protect minorities, build communities, defend the right to vote and foster democracy, among other goals. For information, contact Lucy Hutchens, 208-739-6954.
DANCE: A Daddy Daughter Dance is set for 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, in the Nyssa High School cafeteria. The event is a fundraiser for the Nyssa chapter of HOSA – Future Health Professionals, and will help pay for members to go to state competition.
All ages are welcome, as long as students have an adult with them. Students and fathers from all area schools may attend. Tickets are available at the high school office and at the door.
Thursday, Feb. 9
• Vale Oregon Irrigation District board meeting, 1 p.m., 521 A St. W., Vale. On the agenda: water report, manager’s report, other district business. Information: 541-473-3243.
Sunday, Feb. 12
• Bingo at the American Legion Post 96 hall, 2 p.m., 436 Main St. N., Vale.
Tuesday, Feb. 14
• Vale Senior Center board meeting, 10 a.m., 100 Longfellow St. S.
• Warmsprings Irrigation District board meeting, 7 p.m., 334 Main St. N., Vale. Agenda: water reports and other business.
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