By John L. Braese
The Enterprise
JORDAN VALLEY – The start of the local rodeo scene is quickly approaching as the Jordan Valley Big Loop Rodeo starts a run Friday concluding with a performance Sunday.
This year, the rodeo marks its 58th year of team roping, calf roping, junior steer riding, junior and open barrel racing, stock and saddle bronc riding and bull riding. The signature event, big loop roping, will again feature both saddles and buckles to the winners.
In addition to the rodeo, a number of events are also being held in the community.
The rodeo starts up at 1 p.m. all three days. Admission is $10 for adults with children 6 to 13 years of age $5. Children under 6 are free.
Following the rodeo on Saturday, a tri-tip dinner will be held adjacent to the rodeo grounds. Following the dinner, the Jordan Valley Lions Club will hold a dance in the high school gym featuring county western music.
On Sunday, the high school will be opened for a cowboy church service at 9 a.m.
The Jordan Valley Catholic Church will host a buckaroo breakfast Sunday from 8 to 11 a.m.
Organizers are still looking for participants for the parade starting at 11 a.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. The parade starts at the Catholic parish hall, ending at the rodeo grounds. If interested in participating, contact Mike Hanley at 541-586-2216.
For additional information on the rodeo, contact 541-586-2551 or [email protected].