COMMENTARY: Malheur County would see its economy damaged under a new administration of former president Donald Trump. Voters should vote to spare the community that damage
Oregon Eastern RR expanding reload operations at Vale
VALE – Rail cars loaded with lumber will be rumbling into Vale after Oregon Eastern Railroad finished expansion of its operations in Vale and is anticipating more rail business. Meantime, the railroad is in line for a $1 million state grant to upgrade track and one bridge. “We want to[Read More…]
Nyssa project can’t tap state program cited as one source for emergency $9.8 million
The troubled Treasure Valley Reload Center doesn’t qualify for state funding that project officials said could provide up to $9.8 million needed to finish the Nyssa project. And other options also have obstacles that make it doubtful the money could be in hand soon enough to keep contractors going. Failure[Read More…]
Construction on Nyssa reload center could stop unless nearly $10 million added, officials say
NYSSA – Costs for the Treasure Valley Reload Center ballooned yet again since last Friday, putting Malheur County officials on the hunt to find nearly $10 million in the next 60 days. There is no assurance they will get it and the lead engineer warned Tuesday that failure to plug[Read More…]
PHOTO GALLERY: Big crowd convened for economic networking breakfast at Four Rivers Cultural Center
ONTARIO – A crowd of at least 100 people converged on Four Rivers Cultural Center for a breakfast regarding economic development sponsored by the Snake River Economic Development Alliance, the Small Business Development Center at Treasure Valley Community College, and the Ontario Area Chamber of Commerce. The session was designed[Read More…]
Malheur County should brace for continuing labor shortage, economist says
A large crowd was on hand for the economic breakfast Thursday, March 31, at Four Rivers Cultural Center. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL) ONTARIO – Employers should anticipate years of challenge filling jobs as the economy recovers from the pandemic and seniors speed up their retirement, an Idaho state economist told an[Read More…]
After long delay, Western Treasure Valley Economic Breakfast is back on the local events schedule
Economic development will be the theme of a breakfast slated March 31 at Four Rivers Cultural Center. (The Enterprise/FILE) ONTARIO – After an almost six-year hiatus, the Western Treasure Valley Economic Breakfast is back on the local calendar for Thursday, March 31. The event is billed as a way to[Read More…]
Malheur receives federal aid to help homeless afford places to live
Some homeless people in Malheur County are getting additional help to afford a place to live under a new federal program. The Malheur County Housing Authority was issued 21 vouchers to cover a variety of costs for moving people into housing. The emergency housing voucher is federally funded through the[Read More…]
Water outlook in Malheur County remains bleak despite spate of recent storms
The early morning sun shines across Lake Owyhee near the Owyhee Dam in June. Area reservoirs, like the Owyhee, are showing low water levels but a robust winter weather pattern could help with the long-term water outlook. (The Enterprise/ANGELINA KATSANIS). VALE – The new year is starting out with a[Read More…]
Job fair focusing on health industry set for Jan. 12 in Ontario
A sign offers appreciation to those in the health care industry during the pandemic. (The Enterprise/file photo) ONTARIO – A job fair to recruit workers for the local health care industry is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 12, at Four Rivers Cultural Center. Employers will have information about available jobs and[Read More…]