
Main roads through Vale get makeover

Roadwork crew members prepare to work overnight resurfacing Vale’s two main streets. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)

VALE – If you haven’t noticed already, the two main drags going through Vale, Washington Street and A street, are a different color this week than they were early last week.

Roadwork crews worked overnight from 6 to 6 for two consecutive nights last week, Tuesday and Wednesday, resurfacing the roads.

Workers burned the midnight oil to bring Vale the freshly resurfaced roads, applying what is called a rubberized chip seal, which essentially means hot rubberized asphalt is sprayed onto the street.

This method of road resurfacing fills in cracks, binding and sealing the existing road surface, extending its usefulness.

A roadwork crew member operates heavy machinery . (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)

Roadwork crew members prepare to work overnight resurfacing Vale’s two main streets. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)

Roadwork crew member preparing some heavy machinery to get the job done. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)

Roadwork crew member prepares to work overnight resurfacing Vale’s two main streets. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)

Reporter Joe Siess: [email protected] or 541-473-3377.

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