
Vale American Legion to honor veterans Monday

VALE – Vale American Legion Post No. 96 will hold a memorial service to honor veterans at the Valley View Cemetery on Monday, May 27.

The Memorial Day observance begins 11 a.m.

• Queen Bo Bourasa of the Vale 4th of July Rodeo announced that applications for next year’s queen contest are due June 17. The contest is open to young women age 16-22. 

Applications and information are available from Jacquelle Heid, 208-631-0874.

• Willowcreek Community Church is inviting all children age 3 through sixth grade to Vacation Bible School, May 29-30, at the church. Hours are 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

For information call Pastor Roy Obermeier at 541-473-2311. 

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