BREAKING NEWS: Gunman shooting up Owyhee Junction

A man barricaded in a home in Owyhee Junction has been firing off rounds all afternoon, keeping police at bay and forcing the evacuation of homes and businesses.

Your news team at the Enterprise has exclusive details. As of 6:15 p.m., the situation was still not ended. Watch our website and Facebook page for up-to-the-minute updates with verified information.

HELP US: If you were or are a witness, please reach out to share your information with an email to me at [email protected].

–Les Zaitz, editor and publisher

BREAKING NEWS: Police face barricaded shooter in home at Owyhee Junction
Law enforcement responded to an active shooter Wednesday afternoon at Owyhee Junction, south Nyssa, near the Rock Store. Few details were immediately available.
BREAKING NEWS: Police face barricaded shooter in home at Owyhee Junction
Law enforcement responded to an active shooter Wednesday afternoon at Owyhee Junction, south Nyssa, near the Rock Store. Few details were immediately available.

Have a tip? Let us know….

Send an email to Editor Les Zaitz at [email protected].

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