Here is the latest information we have about the shooting death of Nyssa Police Officer Joseph Johnson while on duty on Saturday, April 15.
*A community vigil was planned at the Nyssa Police Department for 6;30 p.m. Sunday, April 16.
*Police from local and state police agencies and federal law enforcement were working to locate the suspect in the killing, identified as Rene Castro, 36, of Nyssa.
*Nyssa schools will have extra security Monday since the suspect remains at large. Parents can elect to keep their children home.
If you have information or photos to share, please contact Editor Les Zaitz by email at [email protected].
The entire Enterprise news team is working to obtain accurate information about this community tragedy.
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We get some of our best stories and photos after tips from readers. If you have an idea on something we can report on or just have questions about something happening in the community, send an email to Editor Les Zaitz at [email protected].