Good morning.
Remember, those clocks spring FORWARD an hour today.
We just want to remind you how valuable your support is to allow the Enterprise to deliver the unmatched journalism we provide week in and week out.
The Enterprise, like so many businesses in Malheur County, is a family-owned business. Publisher Les Zaitz is approaching his 50th year as a journalist in Oregon. HIs wife, former Publisher Scotta Callister, is an Oregon native as well.
So, we’re not some big out-of-state corporation looking to harvest money and ship it out.
And as much as we would like to give away our work for free, we can’t. Our employees deserve a living wage for the work they do for the community. And, of course, there are the day-to-day costs of running. any business.
You can help keep us strong, to do the kind of thoughtful and sometimes tough reporting no one else will undertake.
*Subscribe: Our digital subscription gives you constant access to our reporting. The cost? Less than one not-even-good hamburger: $7.50 a month. Sign up HERE.
•Advertise: Local businesses need to put their message on platforms that are trusted. Whether you use our website or our print, advertising with the Enterprise puts you before the people you want to be your customers. Learn more HERE.
*Donate: You can show your support for our journalism with a one-time donation, made securely online. Such extra funding helps us cover costs such as public records fees. Want to help? Go HERE.
Only because local people back us can the Enterprise produce journalism that matters and that is recognized nationally in our profession as model for how to serve the community.
Here is other local news from your team at the Enterprise:
Longtime local sheriff Brian Wolfe announced his retirement last week. Wolfe said he plans to step down officially in April, capping a 32-year career in local law enforcement.
9 Mar 2023
Longtime local sheriff Brian Wolfe announced his retirement last week. Wolfe said he plans to step down officially in April, capping a 32-year career in local law enforcement.
9 Mar 2023
The seventh annual Malheur County Spelling Bee, held at Nyssa Elementary School on Thursday March 16, from 7 a.m. to noon, offers students a rare chance to compete academically.
9 Mar 2023
The seventh annual Malheur County Spelling Bee, held at Nyssa Elementary School on Thursday March 16, from 7 a.m. to noon, offers students a rare chance to compete academically.
9 Mar 2023
As Treasure Valley Community College officials look to balance the school’s budget, the college is considering a tuition and fee hike.
9 Mar 2023
As Treasure Valley Community College officials look to balance the school’s budget, the college is considering a tuition and fee hike.
9 Mar 2023
Home sales have steadily declined in Ontario since 2018 when the city saw 186 homes sold. And despite mortgage rates at a historic low in 2021, buyers purchased 170 homes…
10 Mar 2023
Home sales have steadily declined in Ontario since 2018 when the city saw 186 homes sold. And despite mortgage rates at a historic low in 2021, buyers purchased 170 homes…
10 Mar 2023
Empire Trio will perform Saturday, March 18, at 7 p.m. at the Meyer-McLean Performing Arts Theater.
10 Mar 2023
Empire Trio will perform Saturday, March 18, at 7 p.m. at the Meyer-McLean Performing Arts Theater.
10 Mar 2023
The Vale Grange Hall is currently empty but city and state officials hope renewed interest in the facility will get the doors back open.
9 Mar 2023
The Vale Grange Hall is currently empty but city and state officials hope renewed interest in the facility will get the doors back open.
9 Mar 2023
March 8 Letter to the Editor: What’s in a name?
9 Mar 2023
March 8 Letter to the Editor: What’s in a name?
9 Mar 2023
Greg Smith repeatedly said under oath that his company had a contract for his work on the Treasure Valley Reload Center. But no such contract exists and Malheur County Development…
8 Mar 2023
Greg Smith repeatedly said under oath that his company had a contract for his work on the Treasure Valley Reload Center. But no such contract exists and Malheur County Development…
8 Mar 2023
Public Notices in the Malheur Enterprise – Week of March 8, 2023.
9 Mar 2023
Public Notices in the Malheur Enterprise – Week of March 8, 2023.
9 Mar 2023
Have a tip? Let us know….
We get some of our best stories and photos after tips from readers. If you have an idea on something we can report on or just have questions about something happening in the community, send an email to Editor Les Zaitz at [email protected].