Business & economy

Lawmakers OK Malheur County bills to open up more housing and retain local jobs

Legislation approved by the Oregon Legislature will allow, under very specific circumstances, construction of houses on low-grade farmland in Malheur County. (The Enterprise file) VALE – More housing will be available on marginal farmland and local government agencies will have to favor Malheur County residents when filling jobs after action[Read More…]

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Passion for patient care puts Ontario hospital in elite company

Registered nurses Juanita Lopez (left) and Kayla McPheeters brief Dina Ellwanger on overnight activities in the obstetrics department on Wednesday, May 26. (The Enterprise/Les Zaitz) ONTARIO – The nurses in the emergency department appeared drained from their overnight shift at Saint Alphonsus Medical Center Ontario. They and the doctors had[Read More…]

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