Author: By Les Zaitz - The Enterprise

Wyden projects drug savings for 20,000 Oregon seniors, braces for industry fight

Prescription help for thousands of Oregonians may be coming soon after an all-night session of the U.S. Senate and consideration of a novel-length piece of legislation. U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, bleary-eyed after the marathon session in Washington, D.C., briefed Oregon reporters Monday on the impacts of the Inflation Reduction[Read More…]

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COMMENTARY: Citizens should demand Malheur County officials end secrecy around reload project

Public officials in charge of the bungled Treasure Valley Reload Center are treating Malheur County citizens like a bunch of rubes. They downplay excessive costs, late work and behind-the-scenes deals. They take a “nothing to see here” attitude. They are not out of money, they say. Construction is going well,[Read More…]

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Nyssa reload center may shrink, cut by one-third to save money

The Treasure Valley Reload Center could end up being considerably smaller than envisioned as project leaders struggle to overcome money shortages and escalating costs. And even building a smaller warehouse for shipping onions depends on getting an emergency allocation of $3 million from legislators in September. The latest shift in[Read More…]

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