Notice of Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Vale Senior and Community Center will be held on January 17, 2025, at 10:00 AM at the Vale Senior Center, 100 Longfellow Street South, Vale, OR. We will be electing officers and board members including a new position, Assistant Treasurer, for the upcoming year. You must be a member in good standing (dues paid for the current year) in order to vote in the election of officers. The nominating committee will present a recommended slate of officers and nominations will be accepted from the floor from any member in good standing.
Publish Dates: January 8 and 15, 2025.
The City of Vale, Oregon, is accepting bids to lease city-owned farm ground properties. This is a unique opportunity for qualified bidders to lease land with established irrigation infrastructure. Tax Lots 1500 and 200 – 112 Acres: Includes 2 pivots, hand lines, and in-ground sprinklers. Tax Lot 500 – 19 Acres (2 Fields): Currently gated pipe irrigation. Bid format is price per acre basis. Deadline for application submission is 12:00pm February 15, 2025. Please pick up a bidder’s packet with full details and application at City Hall. 150 Longfellow St. N. Vale, OR 97918
Published January 15, 2025.
Name of Person Filing: Brittani Wallace
Mailing Address: 221 Hillcrest Dr
City, State, Zip Code: Duncan, AZ 85534
Daytime/Evening Phone Number: 530-491-9130
Superior Court of Arizona, Greenlee County
Brittani Wallace, Plaintiff Case Number CV2023-00032
Robert Vickers, Iona Vickers, Defendant(s)
Greenlee County Treasurer
Warning: This is an official document from the court. It affects your rights. Read this document carefully. If you do not understand it, contact a lawyer for help.
From the state of Arizona to: Robert Vickers, Iona Vickers and Greenlee County Treasurer.
1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers are served on you with this Summons.
2. If you do not want a judgment or order taken against you without your input, you must file an “Answer” or a “Response” in writing with the Court, and pay the filing fee. If you do not file an “Answer” or “Response” the other party may be given the relief requested in his or her Petition or Complaint. To file your “Answer” or “Response” take, or send, the “Answer” or “Response” to the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, 223 5th St., Clifton, AZ 85533 (P.O. Box 1027, Clifton, AZ 85533). Mail a copy of the “Answer” or “Response” to the other party at the address listed on the top of this Summons.
3. If you were served within the State of Arizona, your “Response” or “Answer” must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS, starting the day after you were served. If you were served outside the State of Arizona, your “Response” must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS, starting the day after you were served. Service by Publication is complete (30) days after the date of the first publication.
4. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the office of the judge or commissioner assigned to the case, at least (3) three days before your scheduled court date.
SIGNED AND SEALED this date: 12/19/2023
Madeline Montoya,
Clerk of the Superior Court
By Deputy Clerk
To obtain a copy of the pleading, please contact Brittani Wallace 530-491-9130.
Publish Dates: January 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2025.
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