DANCE: “A Night on the Red Carpet” is the theme for the annual Daddy Daughter Dance at Ontario High School on Jan. 18. The event is from 5 to 8 p.m., and tickets costs $25 per “couple,” plus $5 per additional child. Tickets will be sold at the door. The event is hosted by the Ontario High School Future Business Leaders of America. For information, call 208-230-4044.
BROGAN: The Dell Brogan Cemetery District will hold its regular board meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16 at 3023 Water’s Lane in Brogan.
DESSERT: The Vale Chamber of Commerce invites all to a dessert social and the organization’s annual meeting on Monday, Jan. 20, at the Vale Senior Center. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and will touch on the annual budget, goal setting, election of –officers and membership drive.
GOP: The Malheur County Republican Central Committee will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 20, at Vale Christian Church, 450 A St. W.
ELK: The Snake River Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will hold its annual Big Game Banquet Saturday, Feb. 8, at Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. Doors open at 5 p.m. There will be games, auctions, raffles for firearms and other items, and dinner. Tickets including meals and membership cost $85 for a single and $135 for a couple; other packages are available that include tickets for various raffles and table sponsorships. To purchase tickets, visit
For information, contact Craig Deboer, chapter chair, at 208-739-7795.
CENTER BALL: Tickets are on sale now for the annual Center Ball, set for Feb. 1 at Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. The event starts with a social time at 8 p.m., with dancing from 9 p.m. to midnight. The event is a benefit for the center’s slate of programs, classes, concerts, lectures and more. There will be music, dining, games and drawings. The event is for age 21 and up.
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