In the community

Warming shelter set to open in Malheur County when temps drop, Ontario’s is operational

As winter sets in, Malheur County will provide a warming center and overnight shelter at the county fairgrounds when high temperatures dip below 30 degrees for three consecutive days.

Lt. Rich Harriman, the emergency manager with the Malheur County Sheriff’s Office, said the warming center would open at 7 p.m. in Girvin Hall at the county fairgrounds at 795 N.W. 9th St. in Ontario. The warming center and overnight shelter will provide dinner and a cot for those looking for shelter for the evening, according to Harriman.

The facility will provide breakfast at 7 a.m. and then close for the day, Harriman said. 

Harriman said the county could use a pool of 30 volunteers. That way, he said, the county could staff the warming center with up to four volunteers per shift.  He said it would be preferable to have people who could volunteer for 12-hour shifts – from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. because it is challenging to fill shifts that begin at 1 a.m. Harriman said the county can accommodate shorter shifts. With a crew of 30 volunteers, Harriman said, each person might only need to work one night shift.

Volunteers will serve food, provide cots and towels, and clean and restock the warming center, according to Harriman. He said volunteers would also check in people, in part by sharing the warming center rules. The rules include no smoking inside Girvin Hall and maintaining quiet hours at night, according to Harriman.

The American Red Cross will train volunteers, who must pass a brief background check, he said.

The Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living, a nonprofit that advocates for people with disabilities, will manage the volunteer effort, Harriman said.

Those interested in helping can call 541-709-1723 or 541-709-1441. 

Chrissy LaChapelle said the Oasis House in Ontario is currently providing a warming center Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. She said lunch is provided at the Oasis House from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Oasis House is located at St. Matthews Episcopal Church at 802 S.W. 5th St. in Ontario.

LaChapelle said the Oasis House is looking for volunteers. According to the Oasis House Facebook page, the nonprofit is looking for people to serve lunch, set and clean up. For more information about volunteering, call Tessy Hand, volunteer coordinator at the Oasis House, at 503-498-7931. 

News tip? Send your information to Steven Mitchell at [email protected].

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