In the community

Vale Book Club reads Healey novel

The Vale Book Club will discuss “Elizabeth is Missing” at its meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2.

Carol Spears will host the group at 686 Cottage St. N., Vale, and Annette Wayne will facilitate the discussion.

The novel by Emma Healey follows Maud, an aging grandmother who is slowly losing her memory and her grip on everyday life. She is convinced her best friend Elizabeth is missing and in terrible danger.

The book tells of the progress of dementia from the point of view of a person experiencing this journey.

The book selection for Feb. 6 is “The Women,” by Kristen Hanna.

For information about the group, call Lucy Hutchens, 208-739-6954, or Marge Mitchell, 208-739-6777. 

All books are provided through the Vale library so no purchase is necessary.

Note: Review information from the Thorndike Press in Waterville, Maine.

Send your event information to [email protected].

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