In the community

Nyssa News: Sugar crew sweetens holidays with food drive

The Amalgamated Sugar Company’s Nyssa factory recently held a food drive with employees bringing in 632 pounds of non-perishable food.

From left, gathering with the donations are: (front row) Enrique Ortega, Silvestre Perez, Xitlali Contreras, Kerry White, Bartolo Trinidad, Jorge Moreno, Chris Mejía, María Perfecto, and (on floor) Imajica Zuniga, and (back row) Jace Simpson, Jose Aburto, Gale Grover, Scott Stevens, Marina Avila, and Eric Haro. (Contributed photo/ SUSAN BARTON)

The food was donated to the Nyssa Community Food Pantry. In addition to the employee donations, the company donated five turkeys.

Happy New Year, everyone! As you plan events in the coming year, please contact me so I can feature your event and happenings in this column.

To have your Nyssa news in this column, contact Susan Barton at 541-372-5455 or [email protected].

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