VALE – The Vale Fire & Ambulance Department received a new $400,000 tactical fire tender last week and it didn’t cost the city a dime.
The department received the tender from the Oregon State Fire Marshal. The state program is helps fire departments across the state by providing such equipment.
“It is a great boost for us,” said Wally Whitaker, a spokesman for the Vale Fire & Rescue Department. The new tender does not replace any vehicles but is an addition to the department’s fleet.
The department has the truck on loan from the state for three years and then it becomes the department’s property.
The pumper carries a 2,000-gallon water tank, said Whitaker. The truck can be used to fill up other fire trucks and can be utilized to fight a fire.
“A tactical tender has the ability to spray water out of nozzles on the front while still being able to pump water and do your traditional wildland fire suppression,” said Jess Tolman, Vale fire chief.
“The versatility of the apparatus really enhances our capability of fire suppression,” he said.
Now the fire department operates nine fire vehicles.
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