PARADISE: The 5’O-Clock Somewhere in Paradise luau-themed fundraiser is coming up on Friday, Aug. 16, at Four Rivers Cultural Center. The event raises money for children’s programs at Four Rivers Cultural Center and Museum. Doors open at 5 p.m. The event will include dinner by Matsy’s, starting at 6 p.m., followed by a live auction at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $30 for individuals and $50 for couples and are available online at
MARKET: The Ontario Saturday Market offers an array of goods from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, in Moore Park, 105 S. Oregon St.
CASINO – People can try their luck at Texas Hold ‘Em or the blackjack table while helping raise money for the local domestic violence shelter in Project DOVE’s Casino Night Fundraiser on Saturday, Aug. 24, at the Ontario Elks Lodge. It starts at 6 p.m.
Maribel Ramirez, office administrator at Project DOVE, said registration is $100 and blackjack is $50. She said people can register on the day of the event. However, those who register before Aug. 18 receive bonus chips.
Dinner is included with registration, or $10 without casino play. There will be a silent auction.
The nonprofit is the only local organization established to help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. It assists 50 people a month, providing temporary housing, food, clothing and transportation costs to flee a domestic abuser.
To register for the casino night, call 541-889-6316.
Sunday, Aug. 18
• Community bingo, 2 p.m., American Legion & Auxiliary Post 96, 436 Main St. N., Vale.
Tuesday, Aug. 20
• Pioneer Nursing Home Health District board meeting, 3 p.m., conference room at Pioneer Place, 1060 D. St. W., Vale.
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