Commentary, In the community

Community Voices: Vale Senior Center busy with events, upgrades

From the Vale Senior Center

It has been some time since we have reported on the activities here at the Center, so we thought it important to let people know what is available here. 

Our regular schedule has an exercise class which meets every Monday-Wednesday-Friday at 10 a.m. 

The Malheur Council on Aging brings meals to the Center at 12 noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. These meals are free if you are over the age of 60, or you are welcome to come and share with us if you are under 60 for the nominal fee of $5 per person, or for a donation of whatever amount you feel you can afford. These meals are prepared at Snake River Corrections and are nutritious and tasty! 

On Tuesday and Thursday, card playing is enjoyed starting at 10 a.m., and Fridays a group meets at 6 p.m. for potluck and pinochle. New faces are always welcome whether you are a veteran player or just learning the game.

The center is available to rent and has been busy with meetings, reunions, and various celebrations. Cowboy Church is well attended on the second and fourth Sunday every month.

We have participated in the citywide yard sale, hosted the quilt show during Oregon Trail Days and are now available as a cooling center.

We are fortunate to have received several grants which have enabled us to offer a foot clinic, to cover the costs of repairs to the kitchen exhaust fans and a plumbing issue in the restrooms. 

We are now looking forward to some maintenance projects that will enhance the center and make it even nicer. The flooring in the kitchen, hallway, conference room and both restrooms will be replaced in August and the main hall will receive a new coat of paint on the lower portion of the walls. We are thankful for grants from Roundhouse, The Woods Foundation, Rural Oregon Foundation, and Oregon Community Foundation.

We invite you all to come and see our new look and enjoy some good food and fellowship.

The Vale Senior Center is at 100 Longfellow St S, Vale, OR 97918, phone 541-473-3185.

Note: Submit community news to [email protected].

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