UPDATE 2:30 p.m. Monday, July 15 – The Malheur County Sheriff’s Office lifted evacuation alerts for all areas around the Cow Valley Fire except the Westfall area. A “get set” Level 2 notice remains in place for Westfall residents. The fire victims shelter operated by the Malheur County Fairgrounds by the American Red Cross is scheduled to close at noon Tuesday, July 16.
Fire officials on Monday said they have a fire line around big portions of the 163-mile perimeter of the Cow Valley Fire as nearly 400 firefighters continued to check one of the biggest wildfires in Malheur County in recent times.
“The threat to the local community has significantly decreased,” according to a statement issued Monday, July 15, by fire officials.
The only expansion of the fire came on the west flank in the East Prong Dry Creek area, according to officials.
With changing conditions, the state task forces sent to help are being released, with one gone on Sunday and two more leaving on Monday.
Firefighters yesterday worked to create a line around the fire on the northern, eastern, and southern edges while air tankers and helicopters dropped water and fire retardant on the western flank to slow the blaze’s growth. The fire remains active south of the Malheur Reservoir, east of Brogan and Jamieson, and north of Bully Creek Reservoir, the Monday statement said.
The Malheur County Sheriff’s Office dropped the evacuation preparation alert for Vale on Sunday. However, the Westfall area remains on a “get set” Level 2, meaning people should be ready to evacuate with 10 minutes’ notice.
The press release noted that two task forces will continue to protect structures and officials reported that 362 people have been assigned to the fire as of Monday morning.
The fire, which was started on Thursday, July 11, has blazed a path more than 27 miles long in about four days. No lives or homes have been lost.
Crews will use a drone today to track hot spots as firefighters strengthen and secure firelines around the blaze’s perimeter.
The American Red Cross has set up a fire shelter at the Malheur County Fairgrounds to house fire victims and their animals. The center provides cots, showers and other comforts for people who may be displaced by the Cow Valley Fire.
Jennifer Bivert, a Red Cross community disaster program manager, said the fairgrounds also can accommodate animals or livestock.
For information about the shelter or to volunteer, call 1-800-redcross.
The fairgrounds is collecting donations of feed and hay and anyone who can help can call 541-889-3431.
Today’s temperatures, according to the National Weather Service, are forecasted to hit a high of 101. According to the press release, out-of-control fire behavior is still possible based on fuel and weather conditions. The weather service predicts winds topping out at about seven mph. The weather service issued an Air Quality Alert for northern Malheur County on Sunday, July 14, due to fires burning in northern California and Oregon.
Authorities have set up a Facebook page dedicated to official information about the Cow Valley Fire.
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