ONTARIO – The Malheur County Fairgrounds is going to the dogs.
Jack Russell Terrier dogs, that is.
About 100 of the animals and their owners will converge on the fairgrounds Saturday, June 22, and Sunday, June 23, for the Treasure Valley Gemboree, a competition sponsored by the Tri-State Jack Russell Terrier Club.
“It is a really fun thing for people to do,” said Kelly Finn, club president.
A British dog breed, Jack Russel Terriers were initially raised to hunt foxes.
The Ontario event consists of a series of competitions geared to capitalize on the terrier’s desire to hunt, said Finn.
The dogs will go through a series of timed events, such as navigating tunnels where they negotiate obstacles. At the end of the tunnel will be a rat in a cage and the animals “work” the rat – bark and whine and scratch outside of the cage – for 30 seconds.
The dogs will also compete to chase a lure down a short track for the best time, said Finn.
There will also be competitions where the dogs participate in mock hunting events or locate a specific target.
The dogs will also be judged on their size and body.
Winners in each event will be eligible for prizes such as backpacks and other dog accessories. Cash prizes of up to $100 will be awarded.
Events begin at 9 a.m. both Saturday and Sunday. The event is free to the public.
Jack Russell Terrier dogs are tough, persistent animals that can weigh 14 to 18 pounds. They are still used to find many underground animals such as groundhogs, badgers and foxes.
For their small size they are high energy and are considered very intelligent.
News tip? Contact reporter Pat Caldwell at [email protected]
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