The Enterprise
AXES: People can enjoy barbecue dinner and toss axes in an event from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. An ax-throwing business, Section 37 of Idaho, will be on hand for the event and experts will teach novices the skill. Matsy’s Restaurant will grill burkers and hot dogs.
Tickets cost $25 for center members, and $35 for non-members, and that includes dinner and a beverage.
ART: An art competition with prizes returns to Vale’s Wadleigh Park on Friday, June 14. The Drexel H Foundation hosts Art in the Park on Flag Day from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Participation is free. The foundation also offers an art camp in August at the Rex Theater in Vale. For more information call 541-473-3470.
MARKET: The Adrian Community Market kicks off the 2024 season Saturday, June 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Succor Creek Coffee Green. The market continues on dates including July 4 and July 20, Aug. 10 and 24, and Sept. 7 and 21. For information about becoming a vendor, call or text 208-412-9689.
GARDEN: The 2024 Outdoor Living and Garden Tour will entice local gardeners on June 15.
The self-guided tour, presented by the TVCC Foundation, will visit locales in the Weiser area. Tickets cost $20 and are available at Red Apple Marketplace, Andrews Seed, and online from the TVCC Foundation.
ROPING: The Billy Evins Memorial Roping and Barrels will be held Friday, June 21. This is the qualifier for local riders who want to compete in Vale’s 4th of July Rodeo.
Barrel racing starts at 6 p.m., with a $10 entry fee and four age groups plus an open class.
The draw for team roping will be at 6 p.m., and the action begins immediately after the barrels. Contestants must be Malheur County residents, landowners or graduates of county high schools.
Thursday, June 13
• Vale Oregon Irrigation District board meeting, 1 p.m., 521 A St. W., Vale. On the agenda: manager’s report, water report, other district business.
Sunday, June 16
• Community bingo, 2 p.m., American Legion & Auxiliary Post 96, 436 Main St. N., Vale.
Tuesday, June 18
• Pioneer Nursing Home Health District board meeting, 3 p.m., at Pioneer Place, Vale.
Events: Send your event information to [email protected].
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