
Letters: Renaming rights for reload center?

(And to commissioners and development corporation executives):

Re: To raise capital investment, should the “Treasure Valley Reload Center” be renamed to a private company?

To follow the Malheur Enterprise’s news articles on March 1, apparently the Reload Center needs to raise an additional approximate sum of $8.5 million (upwards of $11 million) to complete the project. 

Can the Reload Center leverage its name by selling the “naming rights” to the reload center for several million dollars?

For example, Precision Reloading/RCBS; Precision One Ammunition and Reloading; Dillon Precision; and Powder Valley and Georgia Arms and Rocky Mountain Reloading – RMR Bullets are all major national and international companies that possibly could be interested in the renaming rights for several million dollars, with a 20- to 30-year naming rights contract. Extra Mile Arena and the ICCU Arena in Boise paid millions for renaming rights for those venues over a period of many years -– Could this be duplicated for the Treasure Valley Reload Center?

Malheur County is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, which may possibly encourage national and international companies to invest in the naming rights.

We aren’t certain if the existing contracts and leases reference “naming rights.” However, since construction has temporarily halted pending further financing, and no party desires that the project prematurely end, this idea should be explored with a review of the contracts and leases.

Hypothetically, could the center be renamed Precision Reloading Center? With “We reload more than onions!” as an advertising slogan? Rail cars and buildings at the center could be painted with artful graffiti naming and referencing the sponsor: The rail cars would travel the entire United States, advertising the sponsor of the Precision Reloading Center with that graffiti passing thousands of road crossings and cars.

– John Schroeder


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