David and Denisse Ayala peer over some fishy friends in teacher Juanita Davila's first grade classroom at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)
It was back to school for Ontario students on Friday, Aug. 19 — including the city’s five elementary schools, which held open houses on Thursday. Kids and families chatted with teachers one-on-one, explored classrooms, and tested out the desks where they’ll be sitting for the next school year.
At Cairo Elementary School, located just off Highway 20-26, students walked down a covered breezeway bordering a playground and field to get to their future classrooms. Some teachers handed out welcome snacks or books while students loaded up their desks with school essentials. Siblings of all ages tagged along too.
Alayna Sanchez picks out a book from second grade teacher Tammy Jordan’s classroom at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)Incoming second grader Enola Dalman is shown to her desk by teacher Tammy Jordan at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)AraLynn (left) and Amari Judd swing from the bars at the Cairo Elementary playground at the school open house on Aug. 18. AraLynn will be entering third grade, while Amari still has a few years to go at 3 years old. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)Fourth grade teacher Tessa Conrad shows incoming student Rhyen Quintero to her desk at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)Mia, Josiah, and Noah Herrera swing their legs on a bench outside a classroom at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. The Herrera siblings wil be entering fourth, first and third grade respectively. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)The youngest Sanchez sibling, Addison, tags along while her siblings get acquainted with their teachers at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)Tammy Jordan picks out a book for incoming student Enola Dalman from a set of free books at the front of her classroom at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)Rainbow apples greet incoming students from the windows of one teacher’s classroom at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)First grade teacher Juanita Davila greets incoming student Sarai Ayala at the Cairo Elementary School open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)Chloe Brundy checks in with her new teacher, Jessica Baptiste, at the Cairo Elementary School open jhouse on Aug. 18. For Brundy’s birthday the following day, her mom planned to bring cupcakes for the whole class. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)Karis Vanvliet, a kindergarten student, lounges in the Cairo Elementary School lobby during the school’s open house on Aug. 18. (The Enterprise/CYNTHIA LIU)
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