Nyssa pilot Mike Franks explains the details of his plane during Ontario Municipal Airport’s Fly-In celebration Saturday, May 14.(The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)
ONTARIO – Aircraft lifted off from runways and static displays of planes lined the tarmac while good-sized crowd filtered through the Ontario Municipal Airport Saturday during a Fly-In celebration.
The event showcased different airplanes – and at least one helicopter – and pilots from across the region. The event was designed to raise awareness of the airport and give area residents a chance to get out and enjoy some sun and see an array of aircraft.
A line of static aircraft displays lined the tarmac at the Ontario Municipal Airport Saturday during the facility’s Fly-In event. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)
Julian Peacock, Caldwell, checks out one of the static aircraft displays at the Ontario Municipal Airport’s Fly-In celebration. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)
A pilot begins to taxi toward the runway Saturday at the airport’s Fly-In event. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)
Laney and Laramie Keller take a break for a bite to eat at the Ontario Municipal Airport’s Fly-In event Saturday. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)
A variety of different colored airplanes landed at the Ontario Municipal Airport Saturday. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)
Treasure Valley Community College student Tristan Yocum peaks out from the cockpit of a plane Saturday at the Ontario Municipal Airport’s Fly-In event. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)
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