Business & economy

PHOTO GALLERY: Big crowd convened for economic networking breakfast at Four Rivers Cultural Center

ONTARIO – A crowd of at least 100 people converged on Four Rivers Cultural Center for a breakfast regarding economic development sponsored by the Snake River Economic Development Alliance, the Small Business Development Center at Treasure Valley Community College, and the Ontario Area Chamber of Commerce.

The session was designed to allow area officials and merchants to network while they listened to a briefing from Craig Shaul, of the Idaho Department of Labor, and Matt Borud a marketing and innovation administrator for the Idaho Department of Commerce.

Jane Padgett, community development coordinator for the Oregon Department of Human Services in Ontario, writes notes during the economic breakfast at Four Rivers Cultural Center March 31. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

Audience members at the economic breakfast forum listened intently during the presentation by two Idaho state officials March 31. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

Mark Redmond, the superintendent of the Malheur Education Service District, listens to Craig Shaul, an analyst with the Idaho Department of Labor, talk about the job situation across the region. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

Craig Shaul of the Idaho Department of Labor discusses the continuing tight labor market during an economic breakfast March 31 at Four Rivers Cultural Center. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

A large crowd was on hand for the economic breakfast Thursday, March 31,at Four Rivers Cultural Center. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

Tim Heinze (left), CEO of Valley Family Health Care, and Cheri Hung listened as two Idaho state officials talked about the regional economy during the economic breakfast at Four Rivers Cultural Center March 31. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

Economic development officials, elected leaders, merchants and residents were on hand for the economic breakfast March 31. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

Travis Johnson, Malheur County undersheriff, listens in as Matt Borud, a marketing and innovation administrator at the Idaho Department of Commerce, chats about tourism March 31 at Four Rivers Cultural Center. (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)

Local business and community leaders took part in an economic development breakfast event at Four Rivers Cultural Center March 31 (The Enterprise/PAT CALDWELL)


Malheur County should brace for continuing labor shortage, economist says

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