DATE AND TIME: October 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Ontario City Council Chambers, Ontario City Hall, 444 SW 4 Ave, Ontario, OR 97914
PURPOSE: This public hearing is required by ORS 221.725 to provide information to the public about the proposed sale of real property from the City of Ontario to Looks Nu, Inc., an Oregon corporation. The City’s property is located on Assessor’s Map No. 18S4703CC, on SW 1st Street between West Idaho Avenue and SW 1st Avenue, and is used as a parking lot. The city intends to deed to the proposed buyer one tax lot (4500) and do a lot line adjustment to convey the north 12 feet of adjacent tax lot 4400, plus a cash payment to the buyer, in exchange for the buyer’s tax lot 5900 on the same tax map, and is located at 118 SW 1st Street. The Assessor’s value of tax lot 4500 is $45,770. The calculated value of the north 12 feet of tax lot 4400 is $11,752.00, based on the assessed real market value of tax lot 4400 of $48,970. Additional details of the property exchange and the City’s proposed use of the exchanged property will be provided at the public hearing. The proposed buyer intends to use the City property in connection with the buyer’s automobile detail shop.
For further information contact Dan K. Cummings, Ontario Planning Director, at (541) 881-3222.
FOR PUBLICATION ON October 20, 2021
Publish Date: October 20, 2021