
AROUND OREGON: Covid patient dies waiting for hospital bed in Douglas County

ROSEBURG – A Douglas County patient died yesterday at CHI Mercy Medical Center while waiting for a bed in the ICU to open up.

The hospital, through the Douglas County COVID-19 Recovery Team, shared the story on Thursday afternoon.

“This moment, we pause.

A COVID positive patient was in our Emergency Department, within our four walls, waiting for an open Intensive Care Unit bed to receive life-saving care.

It had been several hours because other COVID positive patients had filled those beds.

Even after expanding ICU care onto other floors, there weren’t any beds available for this patient.

We didn’t have enough.

This patient died in the Emergency Department waiting for an Intensive Care Unit bed.

This is very real to our physicians, clinicians, housekeepers, and each member of our Mercy family.

Today, we paused, we reset and we tried to move forward mentally and physically for our own well-being and serving our most vulnerable, sick patients within our four walls.

We need your help, grace and kindness.”

In its release, the county recovery team said the recent surge in COVID-19 cases have overwhelmed hospitals all across the state.

“This pandemic has impacted everyone’s life, some more than others, and some in ways you will never know. The men and women who are on the front lines at our local hospitals and medical care facilities are dealing with the latter, every day, every hour and every minute,” the county said.

On Wednesday, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners and the Douglas Public Health Network recommended residents work from home if possible and avoid large gatherings.

NOTE: This story is published with the permission as part of a collaborative of news organizations in Oregon sharing news content. The Malheur Enterprise is part of the arrangement.

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