Anthony Montwheeler pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, first-degree manslaughter and third-degree assault late last month in a case from 2017 that left two people dead. (The Enterprise/File).
Anthony Montwheeler
March 26, 1996 – Arrested for kidnapping and arson after holding his wife and son at gunpoint in Baker City.
Sept. 23, 1997 – Found guilty but insane in Baker County, placed under jurisdiction of state Psychiatric Security Review Board for 70 years. He is committed to the Oregon State Hospital.
Nov. 4, 2002 – Security Review Board releases Montwheeler to an Ontario group home.
Sept. 6, 2012 – Convicted of aggravated theft in Grant County, sentenced to prison.
April 21, 2014 – Released from state prison, transferred to Oregon State Hospital.
April 13, 2016 – Court vacates Grant County theft conviction.
Dec. 7, 2016 – State doctor testifies Montwheeler faked mental illness for 20 years to avoid prison.
Dec. 14, 2016 –– Security Review Board orders his release from state hospital.
Jan. 9, 2017 – Kidnaps ex-wife Annita Harmon, kills her, and the kills David Bates and injures his wife, Jessica Bates, in a collision.
June 20, 2017 – Ordered to the state hospital to determine if he is fit for trial.
Jan. 11, 2018 – State hospital reports he is not fit to help in his own defense.
Sept. 28, 2018 – Ordered to state hospital to determine if he is fit for trial
Dec. 19, 2018 – State hospital reports he is fit for trial.
Jan. 16, 2019 – Judge finds Montwheeler is fit for trial.
Feb. 22, 2019 – Pleads not guilty to all charges.
Feb. 26, 2021 – Pleads guilty to killing Harmon and David Bates, injuring Jessica Bates
Previous coverage:
Montwheeler to claim abuse from childhood, seek return to hospital
Montwheeler court case enters into new phase
Judge dismisses Bates lawsuit over release of Anthony Montwheeler
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