
Fireworks show in Vale is on – and you can help

Fireworks bloom in the sky above Vale, dazzling viewers in 2019. (Kat Seals-KnR Photography/Special to the Enterprise)

VALE – The community will send 2020 off into history with the annual New Year’s Eve fireworks show and you can help.

The Vale Community Coaliton is sponsoring the annual tradition and is seeking donations to help defray the cost of the spectacular show.

The group is seeking $5,500 to help pay for the fireworks.

The show will again be managed by Dwight Keller, a community activist who is about to stage his 17th Vale fireworks. Keller said he’s also seeking volunteers to help during the day on Dec. 31 to set up the show.

Weather permitting, the fireworks will go off at 7 p.m. The show will go on the next night if weather doesn’t cooperate.

To donate or volunteer, contact Keller at 208-740-0386. An online donation campaign through gofundme also can be used to contribute.

One vantage point for the show will be a community bonfire, hosted by Travis Schneider on the lot at U.S. Highway 26 and Washington Street.