
Officials probe cause of Nyssa fire

The Nyssa police and fire departments are investigating a fire that destroyed a local home last weekend. (The Enterprise/File).

NYSSA – Local emergency services agencies are investigating the cause of a fire that destroyed a home in north Nyssa early Saturday morning.

The blaze gutted a one-story home at 605 N. 7th St., said Eric Menchaca, Nyssa fire chief.

“It was a vacant home and nobody was hurt. That’s the good part,” said Menchaca.

Menchaca said the Nyssa Fire Department, the Nyssa Police Department and the Oregon Office of the State Fire Marshal are investigating the blaze that Menchaca labeled “suspicious.”

Menchaca said the investigation is ongoing.

He said the house was being remodeled and “is a total loss.”

Menchaca said three fire engines were dispatched to the blaze, and firefighters spent about two hours extinguishing the fire.

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