
Malheur County clerk lists key election dates to register, get ballots in

The Malheur County Clerk’s office released details Monday, Aug. 24 on the upcoming presidential election. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)

VALE – Ballots for the Tuesday, Nov. 3, presidential election will be mailed to voters beginning Oct. 14, the Malheur County Clerk’s office announced.

Ballots will be due in the county clerk’s office or in an official ballot drop box by 8 p.m. Nov. 3.

Other key dates for the general election:

• The last day for Oregon voters to register to vote is Tuesday, Oct. 13.

• Voters do not need to request an absentee ballot unless they will not be at their home address between Oct. 14 and Nov. 3.

• To check the status of voter registration, go online to www.oregonvotes.gov-myvote.

• If you are concerned about mailing your ballot or if you wait until the last week before the election, use an official ballot drop box.

• Voters should not mail their ballot after Oct. 27.

Drop boxes will be at:

• Ontario Community Library, 388 S.W. 2nd St.

• Nyssa City Library, 319 Main St.

• In Jordan Valley, the drop box will be at Yturri Boulevard across from the post office.

• In Vale, the drop box is the drive-thru in the parking lot behind the courthouse, corner of C Street and Bryant Street.

For more information, contact the clerk’s office at 541-473-5151.


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