A child tries to catch water droplets in her mouth at the Ontario Splash Pad. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
The Ontario Splash Pad opened Friday, June 26, at Lions Park. The pad is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The attraction is under new management and has a $1 entrance fee for anyone 6 years and older.
Ontario splash pad reopens Friday
Ontario resident Zkyler Martz, 6, practices ample social distancing just after the Splash Pad opened at 11 a.m. as the heat sets in. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
Fun in the sun: temperatures were forecast to reach the high 90s on Friday. A handful of families come out before the heat becomes too intense. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
Children delight in the spray from fountains and buckets of water as the heat climbs to near-triple digits on June 26. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
The parks district is offering a season pass and also is encouraging those who can’t afford the fee to contact the office on Southwest 3rd Avenue, in Lions Park, for a possible waiver. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
Children delight in the spray from fountains and buckets of water as the heat climbs to near-triple digits on June 26. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
Satisfied customer: Ontario resident Zkyler Martz, 6, chills in her soaked clothes and coordinating goggles. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
A parent cools it in the shade while others partake of the showers. Some balked at the $1 entrance fee instituted this year. The money will be used to meet extra cleaning regulations due to Covid as well as routine maintenance, according to the pad’s management. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
Ontario resident Zkyler Martz, 6, leads mom, reluctantly, through the green horseshoes. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
A child adjusts the spray from a water tower as the sun climbs and the air heats up. (The Enterprise/Rachel Parsons)
News tip? Contact reporter Rachel Parsons at [email protected] or call 541-473-3377.
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