Gov. Kate Brown extended Oregon’s state of emergency for another 60 days Tuesday. (Jonathan House/Pamplin Media)
Gov. Kate Brown extended Oregon’s state of emergency for another 60 days in its second extension, setting the declaration to end Sept. 4. The state of emergency – which began March 8 – was set to expire July 6.
The declaration allows the governor to impose limits on gatherings, close certain businesses and in general have more control of the state to combat Covid spread.
Oregon had 8,656 confirmed cases as of the order, and 207 have died. Malheur County had 108 confirmed cases and no confirmed deaths because of Covid. Half of Malheur County’s cases emerged in the past week.
“The individual choices each of us makes will decide whether Oregon either flattens the curve of new COVID-19 infections, or sees a devastating spike in cases that overwhelms our hospital capacity in the next month,” Brown said in a press release.
Brown also required face coverings in indoor public places starting Wednesday.
Read this: Marion County sees first COVID-19 case as governor declares a state of emergency
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