The youth at St. Bridget’s Catholic Church are planning to decorate graves this weekend and need your assistance with a donation of silk flowers.
If you have gently used, or new flowers to donate, please take them to the church office or entrance of the church, located at 504 Locust St. If the group is unable to decorate for Memorial Day, they will do so as soon as church leadership gives them the go-ahead.
• Memorial Day services will take place at Hilltop Cemetery. Cleaning and decorating of the Veteran’s Memorial will take place Friday, starting at 9 a.m., with cleanup on Tuesday. Volunteers are needed to place crosses and flowers on veterans’ graves.
Those who would like to help with this project can call Betty Holcomb at 541-212-3696.
The services will take place at Hilltop on Monday ,starting at 11 a.m. with a 21-gun salute and the playing of taps.
Following that service, a ceremony will take place at Stringer Landing on the Snake River (the city park on the east side of town) to honor those lost at sea. Those attending the ceremonies are asked to remain in their cars.
• Congratulations to the Class of 2020! You are a unique class, with unique opportunities to impact your community. Take hold of the opportunities and make your mark. It’s been great to see all the signs around town – Once again, the Nyssa business community has stepped up to support students.
• And, to the Nyssa business community, welcome back! We’ve missed you – Get a haircut, enjoy a meal, and shop local!
To have your Nyssa news and information in this column, contact Susan Barton at 541-372-5455 or via e-mail [email protected].
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