Chad Cruickshank, Nyssa High School FFA advisor, stands with his daughters and some of the hanging flower baskets that will be sold at the upcoming FFA sale Friday, May. (Submitted photo)
NYSSA – Calling all gardeners and flower enthusiasts - two local FFA chapters will hold annual flower sales in May. The annual events are one of the biggest fundraisers for both the Vale and Nyssa FFA chapters.
Nyssa FFA is up first with a hanging basket sale on Friday, May 1, starting at 7:30 a.m. in the school’s greenhouse. The school’s fundraiser will be a bit different this year.
To adhere to social distancing guidelines, customers are encouraged to wear a mask or any kind of face covering inside the greenhouse. Only one customer at a time will be allowed inside.
Clients will be handed a numbered sheet with more details and instructions as they drive into the gate near the bus garage. The sheet should be displayed clearly on the dashboard window once clients park by the greenhouse.
Volunteers will then escort clients into the greenhouse in the order in which they arrived.
Baskets will cost $30 each or $100 for four baskets, payable by check or cash.
In Vale, the sale is slated for Friday, May 8, and Saturday, May 9, in front of Malheur Drug. The hours are tentatively scheduled from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with an additional sale at the Vale High greenhouse the following weekend.
“We’ve been really lucky to have good community support otherwise we wouldn’t have a crop to sell this year,” said Anna-Maria Chamberlain, Vale FFA advisor.
With students out of school and not allowed to participate in activities, Chamberlain said she had to rely on community volunteers who helped out with watering and planting.
Petunias, tomatoes, marigolds, hanging baskets for $30 each and an assortment of bedding flowers will be available for sale.
Customers can drive up and volunteers will load vehicles with the purchased products.
“It’s one of our main fundraisers every year,” Chamberlain said. “Without this fundraiser, it’s a huge impact on our chapter.”
Have a news tip? Reporter Yadira Lopez: [email protected] or 541-473-3377
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