NOTE: The Enterprise is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions at $5 a month help the Enterprise keep this up.
NYSSA – With social distancing replacing gatherings, churches are going online with services and study times.
Share your church or community meeting information with the area by sending it to [email protected] for inclusion in an upcoming column.
• Nyssa Christian Fellowship holds a livestream service on Facebook every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. They encourage you to like and follow them. You can also connect via their website:
They are doing a Bible study of the book of Philippians at 7 p.m. Wednesdays using Zoom. Please email the church at [email protected] to receive an invitation to join the group.
• Nyssa Church of the Nazarene is holding services on Facebook at @nyssanazarene and Services include music and a message. An Easter drive-in service was held with Pastor Steve Wilson calling it “an amazing experience.” They may have another one at the end of this month. Check their website or Facebook page for more information.
• Nyssa FFA will hold its annual hanging basket sale on Friday, May 1, starting at 7:30 a.m. at the FFA greenhouse. This is the only fundraiser for FFA as its annual banquet was canceled.
Baskets are $30 each or four for $100 and sell out quickly. One person at a time will be allowed in the greenhouse to make their selection, so everyone will need to be patient with the process. Also, wearing a mask is encouraged.
Visit Nyssa FFA Chapter on Facebook for details on how the sale will take place.
Also on their Facebook page is information about the Farm Business Management Team bringing home another Blue Banner (10 years in a row!) at the FFA State Convention which was held electronically this year. Great job, team!
Congratulations to Nyssa FFA member Olivia Page, recipient of a National FFA John Deere Dealer Scholarship.
To have your Nyssa news in this column, contact Susan Barton at 541-372-5455 or [email protected].
As long as we can, the Malheur Enterprise will provide free access to all stories related to COVID-19. With businesses closed and not advertising, community support for this service is vital. Help one of two ways:
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