Ruth Blazzard reads “Pete the Cat” during story time at the Nyssa Public Library via Facebook Live after COVID-19 concerns closed the library. (The Enterprise/Yadira Lopez)
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Cancelled, postponed, social distancing … words we are quickly becoming accustomed to hearing as they pertain to our active community.
The Nyssa Public Library and Senior Citizens Center are two vital components of our community offering activities for many people. Unfortunately, all activities at the senior center have been cancelled until further notice.
The Nyssa Library is also closed, but librarian JoElle Rau advises that they are doing a live Facebook story time at 11 a.m. Tuesdays. Check the library’s Facebook page for details, updates, coloring pages and links to activities. The library staff will be checking voicemail, e-mail and Facebook messages.
The Nyssa Community Food Pantry continues to serve the residents of Nyssa with emergency food supplies. The process for obtaining food has changed to a drive-through arrangement with food given in boxes rather than by shopping inside the pantry.
A visit to the pantry last Thursday found pantry staff implementing the new process with assistance from City Manager Jim Maret, Mayor Pat Oliver and Councilwoman Betty Holcomb. Other than me being in the way, the process seemed to be going well!
The drive-through process was implemented at the direction of the Oregon Food Bank and will continue until further notice. Pantry hours are the same – Monday 4-7 p.m. and Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those who are unable to visit the pantry during these hours should call 541-372-5623 and leave a message.
Donations of tuna, soups and canned vegetables are also needed at the pantry. You can drop off your donations during pantry hours or call to make other arrangements.
To have your Nyssa news in this column, contact Susan Barton at 541-372-5455 or [email protected].
For the latest news, follow the Enterprise on Facebook and Twitter.
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